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C64 & Amiga
- Amiga Music Preservation – Gazza – Modules A small collection of my original music from my Commodore Amiga days.
- Vintage Machine BIOS Collection An archive of the the BIOS ROMs you need to vintage computers.
- zBLEX-V6 hosted by Google Code
- MCC-216 Multiple Classic Computer emulator This little box emulates a C64, Amiga, Atari VCS & Apple II
- OzScene – Australian Amiga Demo Scene Welcome to OzScene, a historical archive of the Australian Amiga demo scene.
- SIDin Magazine A Sid paper magazine for Sid people! Each issue has an editorial, a news section, an interview and 2 (technical) articles.
- Individual Computers Good hardware for retro computers
- Factor 4 – Kestra Bitworld
- Kick Assembler A cross-platform assembler that works in a very high-level way if you to choose to use it as such. Supports 6510CPUs and the C64 in general.
- Factor 4 – http://www.pouet.net
- Storm Clouds over the Western Front Game by an Individual Brisbane Developer
- Top Tower Game by an Individual Brisbane Developer
- EMBL Australia Bioinformatics Resource Web based bioinformatics tools for biomedical research.
- Krakatau's Wikipedia
- Chiptunes = Win
- Tracktion DAW Affordable & feature complete DAW by Tracktion
- Uctumi (Electropop Musician) Photo courtesy of Victor González IV Uctumi is a musician from Argentina who began composing tracked music in 1996.
- Picky Pigeon Socks A nice collection of novelty and geeky socks to add to your wardrobe and feet.
- Wikipedias Postbox
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Zang Zang Tuum
“The Zen master was asked the solemn question--what is Buddha? He took off his sandal, put it on his head, and walked away.”