Magnetic Fields IV – Yie Ar Kung Fu [ Bitpop Chiptune ] – Tribute to Jean Michel Jarre & Martin Galway

Magnetic Fields IV – Yie Ar Kung Fu [ Bitpop Chiptune ] – Tribute to Jean Michel Jarre & Martin Galway – Made with C64 Driver/Samples & DAW (6 Channels)

This piece of music was one of my favourites of Jean Michel Jarre from his Les Chants Magnétiques album. Then 4 years later, a friend and me made a tape-to-tape copy of this game using a stereo system inside our local Chandlers store in Caloundra. We would ask if we could load the game in store to have a look at it and while we had the tape, we’d pop it in one of their dual tape Hi-Fi systems and copy it onto a black tape that we had just bought in the store. Haha. Naughty boys.

Anyhow, I loved Martin Galway’s rendition of this music. Since I’m a huge fan of both Jean Michel Jarre and Martin Galway, I wanted to do my own six channel version of this song.

Made with ♥

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