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C64 & Amiga
- Me on Soundcloud My music sets can all be found on Soundcloud
- Commodore 8bit Search and links to Commodore computer related information. They also run a C64 web server.
- MCC-216 Multiple Classic Computer emulator This little box emulates a C64, Amiga, Atari VCS & Apple II
- Recollection C64 Scene-newbies appear to be lost about the past, confused, or even being totally ignorant about it. As in, how things worked back then, how it all came to be, the ‘unwritten rules’ etc.
- Vintage Machine BIOS Collection An archive of the the BIOS ROMs you need to vintage computers.
- OzScene – Australian Amiga Demo Scene Welcome to OzScene, a historical archive of the Australian Amiga demo scene.
- Kick Assembler A cross-platform assembler that works in a very high-level way if you to choose to use it as such. Supports 6510CPUs and the C64 in general.
- Factor 4 – http://www.pouet.net
- SIDin Magazine A Sid paper magazine for Sid people! Each issue has an editorial, a news section, an interview and 2 (technical) articles.
- Individual Computers Good hardware for retro computers
- Storm Clouds over the Western Front Game by an Individual Brisbane Developer
- Top Tower Game by an Individual Brisbane Developer
- Picky Pigeon Socks A nice collection of novelty and geeky socks to add to your wardrobe and feet.
- Krakatau's Wikipedia
- Chiptunes = Win
- EMBL Australia Bioinformatics Resource Web based bioinformatics tools for biomedical research.
- Tracktion DAW Affordable & feature complete DAW by Tracktion
- Wikipedias Postbox
- Uctumi (Electropop Musician) Photo courtesy of Victor González IV Uctumi is a musician from Argentina who began composing tracked music in 1996.
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Zang Zang Tuum
“The Zen master was asked the solemn question--what is Buddha? He took off his sandal, put it on his head, and walked away.”