Who’s Johnny? (Short Circuit) [ Bitpop Chiptune ] – Tribute to El DeBarge & Martin Galway

Made with C64 Driver/Samples & DAW (6 Channels)

Why am I doing this? Still? I think most fundamentally, that I enjoy stripping sounds back to their most fundamental elements that a home computer can generate and that is ‘single cycle waveforms’. Yes.

It might be more voices than what the C64 was capable of but its still the same fundamentals.

Again, Martin Galway was such a source of inspiration on this one. His cover of this El DeBarge song was amazing.

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Magnetic Fields IV – Yie Ar Kung Fu [ Bitpop Chiptune ] – Tribute to Jean Michel Jarre & Martin Galway

Magnetic Fields IV – Yie Ar Kung Fu [ Bitpop Chiptune ] – Tribute to Jean Michel Jarre & Martin Galway – Made with C64 Driver/Samples & DAW (6 Channels)

This piece of music was one of my favourites of Jean Michel Jarre from his Les Chants Magnétiques album. Then 4 years later, a friend and me made a tape-to-tape copy of this game using a stereo system inside our local Chandlers store in Caloundra. We would ask if we could load the game in store to have a look at it and while we had the tape, we’d pop it in one of their dual tape Hi-Fi systems and copy it onto a black tape that we had just bought in the store. Haha. Naughty boys.

Anyhow, I loved Martin Galway’s rendition of this music. Since I’m a huge fan of both Jean Michel Jarre and Martin Galway, I wanted to do my own six channel version of this song.

Made with ♥

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